The Jerk


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No. Don't be silly. I'm not coming there. No way.
Well thats too bad. He will have to sit there and do his time. No we are not going to be married. Are you crazy the jerk wouldn't call for days on end and when we did go out he ignored me and would hang around the band. Besides I quit seeing the jerk a long time ago.
Yeah. I like Sammy Hagar, but that has nothing to do with this. Look he will have to figure out on his own how to get out of it. God what a pervert! Good bye officer.


Sorry man. She said no way, no how.
Come on let me have my guitar. I gotta have it.
Are you kidding me. After the sick, weird shit you did at the hotel. No way.  I suggest you talk to a lawyer.  A good one.


Alright, Drew is on the comedy channel. Whats he saying about a naked guy and a guitar. Oh crap! What a pervert he was. I'm glad I dumped him when I did. What a jerk!


So there I was walking down the hall at the hotel. When the manager jumped out of a door and asked for my help. Well being the great guy that I am I said sure what ever you need. I mean for all I knew someone was dying and and needed mouth to mouth, you know. Hey it could have been a beautilful model or somebody more famous than me. Ok, Ok. So I walk in the room. Now this is the honest truth. Right there in the middle of the room was this naked guy. I mean butt naked and he was ... he was. This is no lie he was doing a gutiar. I mean really doing it. It was the sickest thing I ever seen. Well to make a long story shorter, as soon as the cops and paramedics arrived I hit the road. Yelp checked right out of that freak hole.
{audience roars with laughter, clapping wildly}


Hi. Its me. Did you see who was on the comedy channel?
Yeah. I can't believe it. I didn't know Drew was there. Now the world knows.
Not to mention y2b said she was going to do one of those Sim Stories of her's.
Yeah you said it...
Roll the credits .....


What, you want to know what happened to the jerk. Well your guess is as good as mine.
Girl's apartment:
Bedroom set & living room end table - Dincer
Painting over bed - SimthingForEveryone
Kitchen counters, trash can - SimsID
Bowl food processor - Lphntstrunk
Dinning table & chairs, white bookcase w/globe - SimStyle
Coffee table w/plants, jade plant - Simzalabim
Floral sofa - GeorgieGirl
Wallpaper - SimFreaks
Pine latice window - Raveena
Jerk's apartment:
Dinning table - SuperSims
Dinning chairs, sofa - Dincer
Kitchen counters -  Lerilai's
Fridge - Scooby
Apples - TheSimsResource
Hanging Lamp - TheWellDressedSim
Black & white painting - SimStreelGallery
Rug - 3DSister
Plant - Simulations
Dumb Bells - PookkahSims
White window - BriSims
White door - SimsDecor
Seats - SimPrograms
Window painting - y2bthere
Books - Flot&JetSims
Typewritter - Simzalabim
Clock, dry write board - SimStyle
Blue corner table - MoonSims
Bed - WellDressedSims
End table - SimStyle
Table lamp - Simzalbim
Wallpaper - SimSister
Green desk chair - WellDressedSim
Jail bunk - TheSimsResource
Drew Carry's Stage:
TV camera - NightTimeSims
Microphone - Opo
Padded Cell:
Thanks to the Skin & Head makers whoever you are!