Needless to say Dave did not find out anything. So he decided to leave. He got in the car, started it and remembered he didn't leave a tip for the waitress. So Dave ran inside the club, not even bothering to turn off the car much less lock it. (I did say Dave was nice) Anyway while he was inside, the car blew up. Some one called the police, and just about the time everyone got outside, the police had arrived. They talked to all the people there. Then they questioned Dave. Dave had to tell them about Bob. 
Well, the Simston Police Department was able to get a search warrant. Guess what they found in Bob's office. Books on making bombs. It appears that Bob tried to kill Dave. The SPD arrested Bob and took him in for questioning. Dave called his father and Brenda Lee, with the good news. 
Bob made a full confession. He explained, "When, Mike didn't come back, I seen the opportunity to make a few bucks. I talked to Betty about it, that was a BIG mistake. Can you believe it, she wanted to turn me in. So I had to get rid of her. I cut the phone line, took the batteries out of the smoke alarm, set a small devise to start the fire. Then I asked Betty to fix some lunch. When she went into the kitchen, I blocked the door, the device went off, and you know the rest. After a couple of weeks I went to Mr. Darling. I blackmailed him. I really thought he HAD killed Mike. I guess I screwed up when I went after Brenda Lee. She is so pretty you know. Then that damn Dave, snooping around. I had to get rid of him too...." Bob just keep babbling on and on. (He is really crazy) Bob was convicted of murdering Betty and of attempted murder on Dave. He is now serving two life sentences at the Simston Prison. 
Once things settled down after the trial. Dave and Brenda Lee were married. It was a beautiful wedding. They honeymooned in the SimKiKi Islands. The court system returned Mr. Darling's money. He in turn gave it, plus two million more simoleans, to the Davidson family. They were greatful to Mr. Darling for finding out what had happended to Mike and for the money. Brenda Lee and Dave are happy and thinking about having children. Crazy ol' Bob rots away in prison. THE END (or is it?)

Thank you to all the wonderful folks out there that make, objects, skins & heads for downloads. Without you there would not be new faces or new things to see. Thank you all! Props-Credits: 7DS: Lawn Chair, Fridge, Washer/Dryer, Harley, Spool Table, PayPhone, WellDressedSims: Candle, Trophy, Black couch/chair/coffee table, Glass Desk, SimFreaks: Floor Bookrack, Flag pole, English Palm, Books, Cattail Rocks, SimInteriors: Modern BookCase, Firey Lamp, SimPlus: Junky Car Simorphor: Bali Fountain, Bridge BoardWalkSims: Pathway And to you readers: Thanks for reading the story. I hope you liked it. 2bthere |