Later, that evening, Brenda Lee went to Dave's. She was a little mad at him, here's what she had to say... "Dave, I saw you earlier, hiding around the corner, when Bob was here. I appreciate your respecting my independence and all. But, you could have at least walked over. I was a little scared." Dave made up a lame excuse "I was, ahh, was kinda dazed out thinking about the soccer match I watched on TV this afternoon. There was this huge fan fight,and I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm sorry, Brenda Lee." Brenda Lee said "Ok, look Dave, I think we have deep feelings for each other. And I would like you to know, I'm a little old fashioned about some things. I want my man to protect me. So if any thing like that happens again, could you step in?" Dave said "Sure. I really didn't mean to let you down. Can you forgive me?" "I will, this time. But please don't let it happen again." Brenda Lee said. 
Dave couldn't sleep that night. (No it's not a dream balloon) He was thinking about the days events. He needed a car. He had some snooping to do. He thought 'What can I tell Brenda Lee? I will probably be gone a couple of days. It's just too ironic. I can hardly believe it myself. How can I ask her to believe it. Well, I'll just have to lie... I know, I'll say an old friend of mine is in trouble and I have to go help him out.' (Oops a little cliff hanger) 
Dave and Brenda Lee kiss goodbye. Dave said "Don't worry, I'll be back in a couple of days. I really have to go help my friend." "You know Dave at breakfast this morning, you didn't say who you had to help, or why." Brenda Lee said. So Dave embellishes his lie... "Oh, ahh, my friend's name is, ahh, John, John Smith. I'm afraid I can't say why. It will be best if you don't know." Brenda Lee wonders if Dave is planning to run out on her. She thinks to herself, 'What if he is afraid of Bob?... No, Dave doesn't seem the type, he's strong, nice and smart. I'll just do my best not to worry... That sure was nice of Ray, down the street, to loan this car to Dave.' Brenda Lee tells Dave, "Ok. If you can't tell me, that's alright. Look, just be careful. Come home soon. I'll be here... waiting. I... I love you Dave." Dave is happy to hear that, he tells her. "It will be fine. I promise. I'll see you soon. Oh and Brenda Lee, I love you too." Brenda Lee was very, very glad, that Dave felt the same for her. You see when Dave seen Bob, he recognized him. It appears that Bob and the weird blackmailer were one and the same. Dave had to know if his father really paid him off, and exactly what was going on. Dave plans on going to Simston, to see his father...... 
Late that afternoon, Dave made it to his Dad's office in Simston. Mr. Darling was really glad to see Dave. "Oh, my God! Dave. Where have you been? I have been so worried!" Said Mr. Darling. Dave said, "Dad it's great to see you too. I had to leave for a while. There are some questions I really need you to answer." Mr. Darling said "Ok, shoot." Dave first tells his dad what he had overheard a couple of weeks ago. Then Dave just came right out and asked. "Dad did you kill that man and steal his engine?" Mr. Darling answers "No son, I didn't. Let me tell you what happened. I bought the prototype engine and the design from this sleezy looking man. I paid him $5,000.00, that's all he wanted. I figured something was up, because it was worth way more than that. Then after a couple of weeks this weird guy, Bob Newbie, showed up. You see, I had to pay him the money. I didn't want a scandal. At least not until I found out what was going on. I called a private detective. Ian Visable is his name. Anyway Ian digs right in and... Well why don't we sit down before I tell you the rest. (Yes it is another little cliff hanger).......... 