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Brenda Lee, would study every day before work. Trying to learn how to do investigations. She was bound and determined to find out exactly why her mother died. Just because she didn't have much money didn't mean she was stupid. One day the truth would come out.


While at work, Brenda Lee overheard the customers talking about the expanison of her step father's club. She thought... 'Damn him, where did he get the money? Was there a life insurance policy on mom? I need to find out. I guess I could call Bob and congratulate him. That way I could get him talking, and maybe he would slip up.'


This is just what Brenda Lee needed, problems with Unit 2..... "LOOK, I told you I can fix the sink. I know about plumbing, I do manage the Laundra-Rama", she said. " Hey, calm down will ya?" Dave said "You are usually pretty nice. What? Are you having a bad day? Come on, when you're done why don't we go sit outside and talk?" Brenda Lee, upset because of her phone call with Bob earlier, (only half listened to Dave), responds by yelling.... "LOOK I CAN'T RIGHT NOW. I HAVE TO FIX THIS STUPID SINK". Dave said... " I know. I said when you're done. Ok? Calm down already".


Finally Brenda Lee, went out and sat down. Dave (being a nice guy) trys talking to her. "Hey, Brenda Lee, what's going on? What has put you in such a bad mood today? Want to talk about it?" She said, "Sure, why not." To make a long story short, Brenda Lee told Dave all about her mother and the fire. What she thought about Bob. His stinking club, and everthing. Dave said, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Every thing will be fine, you'll see. If it makes you feel any better, I'll tell you about my problem. But you can't repeat a word of it. Ok?" "Sure, sure I don't pass on secrets. I promise not to say anything to anybody." Brenda Lee answered. Feeling like he could trust her. Dave told Brenda Lee about his father and the blackmailer. By the end of the evening they had gotten pretty close and even liked each other; Alot. Well one thing lead to another and you know, breakfast the next morning was shared.


Brenda Lee and Dave really enjoyed each other's company. They got along really good together, and had a lot in common. As Forrest Gump would say "just like peas and carrots" (I wouldn't say that because, I don't like carrots.) Anyway, Dave and Brenda Lee were together all the time now. He would even help her out over at the Laundra-Rama. (It's getting better, Dave doesn't mind domestic work. You know, doing laundry.) Anyway...... Over candle light dinners they would talk about what might lay ahead for them. Dave and Brenda Lee both wanted to get married... some day. Have kids.
(You know, all that wedded bliss stuff)


Oh no, look who came to the Laundra-Rama. Brenda Lee said... "Look, Bob I told you on the phone I don't want you here. I don't care what you say. I know you had something to do with my mom's death. And I don't believe you about not having a life insurance policy on her." Bob said "How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't kill her. I loved Betty. It was.... well, just a horrible accident, that's all. Why don't you come home with me? I could really use you at the club, especially now that it's bigger. Come on, what do you have to lose, this place... that you call a job!?" Brenda Lee, starting to get really peeved now said, "Bob if you take one more step towards me, I'll scream. This place is busy, you don't want someone to call the police. Do you?" Bob backed up and said "Hey, you don't have to be so mean, babe. I know you want to come home. You're just too proud to say so. Look, I'll come back in a couple of days in case you change your mind. I have a whole lot of money now, you know." Brenda Lee yells "GET OUT OF HERE BOB! YOU'RE NOT WANTED HERE! NOW LEAVE!"
Bob did slink away, after every one turned to look him.


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