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Picture 13

It was kinda cool. There was this indian girl, she was singing about a chief on a painted pony. And you know what, he showed up. Really caught me off guard. I didn't expect that. The indian man, I guess he was a brave, just sat there by the fire.  Didn't say or do any thing. I can't believe they didn't wake yall up. Then after a while they lead me to...

Picture 15

that chief indian came back. You know the one on the horse. He was saying something in indian and shot an arrow into the sky. It was kinda cool. I can't believe yall didn't hear anything.
No, sorry spouse. I didn't hear a thing.

Picture 17

Zim, you didn't hear anything after you went to bed last night, did you?
No mom.  Why does everybody keep aksing me that? Just tell me what's going on.
Ok but don't say anything to dad about it. He had some kind of wierd dream about indians. But he thinks it was real and not a dream.
Oh. Dad's flipping out huh?
No. Of course not. It's just stress. You know with his birthday coming up and termites at home. It's very expensive to be treated. Don't worry.
Ok mom. Tell me about the dream. Please.
Ok, it was about...

Picture 14

a little village. There were buffalo and a cow. Those ugly vultures were there. And a bunny rabbit. I can't imagine  why a bunny was there. Any way they had the neatest totem pole, and teepees. Then ...

Picture 16

Zim come here.
What dad?
Don't be so loud. I don't want your mother to hear.
Oh, it's a secret. Ok
No it's not a secret. Did you hear any thing after you went to bed last night?
No dad. Why?
No reason. I was just wondering. Don't go to far from camp today.
Ok, dad. I won't.

Picture 18

You're right mom that is wierd. I won't say anything.
You should give him a hug. Maybe talk him into going fishing or something.
Yeah, that sounds like fun. Dad always likes to fish.
Try to be nice Zim. You know like let your dad catch the biggest fish for a change. Or even more than you.
Sure mom. Like that's ever gonna happen.