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Picture 19

Spouse, are you feeling alright?
Yeah. Why?
You have a funny look on your face.
Dad, we can go fishing after breakfast?
No son, I think I'm gonna go take a nap.
But dad, we just got up.
Now, Zim if daddy needs a nap, I think we should let him take one.
Ok mom. But can we go latter dad?
Yeah sure son

Picture 21

Ok, I'm up. Why are there still two of you?
Oh nothing. I guess I'm not awake just yet.
Zim is waiting for you. He has all the fishing gear together.
That's good. I better hurry up.

Picture 23

I'm glad we came to the wild life preserve. I never dreamed I could get this close to a real live buffalo. At least I don't have to worry about Zim wondering around alone. I guess I better go and start supper, they will be back from fishing soon. A woman's work is never done. I think on the next trip we make, I'll insist on them doing most of the work. Or at least doing half of it. Men!


Picture 20

Spouse, you need to get up now. You have been asleep for hours it's after lunch. Come on wake up. It is almost 4 o'clock. Time is moving along. Get up. Spouse did you hear me? GET UP! You don't want me to go get the water. Ok here I go. I'm getting the water now.

Picture 22

Well now that they're gone I can clean up. And finally enjoy a little peace and quiet. Maybe I go on a little hike. Now where is that back pack? I remember, it's in the tent. Oh no look at that, they left the fish basket. Oh well I'm sure spouse grabed the stringer.

Picture 24

Too bad yall didn't catch anything.
It wouldn't matter Y2b, you wouldn't have eaten it.
Yeah mom. I don't know why ya don't like fish.
One of these days you two will just accept that I don't and leave me alone about it. Zim why are you eating those chips?
Cause they're good. I'm gonna go start the camp fire.
Ok son, I'll help your mother clean up.
Now that's a first.
Hey, what's that supposed to mean. I help all the time!
Yeah, I know Spouse. You help dirty dishes, make trash and then take a nap.