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Picture 31

I bet it was. So what happened next. I mean did they just disapear or what?
After a little bit, they all just went away. The girl on the horse trotted off and the man with the sword gave up trying to get in the basket. He walked off and the egyptian went in the other direction.
I see. You get inside the tent and go to bed. I'll bring you some asprin.

Picture 33

Zim! Get away from those berries.
But mom, I seen dad eating them.
I don't care, you are not to eat them. Do you understand?
When did your father eat the berries?
All the time. At least I've seen him eat them alot.
That's gotta be it. It must be the berries. Zim you start packing up.
But why? I thought we were staying for a week.
We were going to, but I think I better get your father to a doctor.

Picture 35

Son, I wish you hadn't said anything to your mother about the berries.
I'm sorry dad. It's just that she kinda went nuts when she seen me fixing to eat 'em.
Well I'm glad you didn't eat any. Maybe that is what's wrong with me. Come on your mom is in the truck waiting for us.


Picture 32

Good while Y2b is getting me some asprin, I'll just have a few more of these berries than go to bed. Mumm mumm these sure are good. I wonder what they are. Maybe I could dig this up before we leave and transplant into my garden.

Picture 34

The truck is all loaded. All you have to do Spouse is get in and enjoy the ride home.
I still don't understand why you just all of a sudden jumped up and deceided it was time to go.
Zim told me about you eating those stupid berries. That's why you have been seeing all that wierd stuff. We're going home so I can get you to a doctor. I have a branch off the bush with berries on it, in case the doctor needs them.
Ok but I don't think there's anything to get all freaked out over. I'll go get Zim.
Alright. Stay away from that bush!

Picture 36

I can't believe it was those stupid berries.
I told you not to eat any. Didn't I?
Yeah, you did. But they were so good. I just couldn't stop. I'm feeling better now.
Good dad. Now we can get ready for your birthday.
Not so fast. No party. Just the three of us. That's what your dad wanted.
Yeah I know.

Picture 38

Thanks for reading my little Sim Story, hope ya liked it.
Credits & Props:
Lpntschld-most camping & indian stuff
SuperSims-kitchen set
7DS-some camp stuff
OutBackSims-banyan tree
Camping Trip (c) y2bthere April 2002