Loriane: "Steve, dear. Why is it, I can eat two or more plates of food at a time, three times a day, and not get fat?" Steve: "Umm, your not fat." Loriane: "Exactly, dear, I'm not. But why not? Oh don't worry I really don't expect you to answer that." 
Loraine: "Steve, dear. I couldn't help but notice. You never mow the lawn, and neither do I. The grass doesn't seam to grow at all." Steve: "Umm, I'll call a gardener." Loraine: "Oh, of course, dear. Why didn't I think of that. A gardener to come and take care of a lawn that never needs mowing. That is really good thinking Steve dear." 
Loraine: "Steve, dear. This furniture just doen't seem to be our type. I mean the kitchen looks right, but a pink bathroom and this living room furniture doesn't." Steve: "Umm, sure, pick out some new furniture." Loriane: "No, No, No! I am just about tired of you not listening." Steve: "Umm, go take a nap." Loraine: "Only if someone makes me, Steve dear." 
Loraine: "Steve, dear. The paper says that someone bought the Motel up on the hill. Since when is there a motel on the hill?" Steve: "Umm, we don't need to go to a motel." Loraine: "No, dear, maybe if you paid attention you would understand what I am trying to say. Perhaps you should walk around the neighborhood. Up until a few days ago we were the only ones here. Now we have an old gas station and motel." 
Loraine: "Steve, dear. Come over and meet one of the owners of that motel, I was telling you about." Steve: "Umm, sure meat for dinner." Loraine: "You will have to excuse my husband, he is a little self absorbed." Steve: "Umm, you need more paper towels?" Loraine: "I hope your husband listens to you. I wish you good luck with your motel. Where did it come from anyway?" Razberri: "What do you mean, it has been here for a long time." Loraine: "Yes, of course it has. It was nice meeting you." 
Loraine: "Steve, dear. That nice young girl, Razberri, you know the owner of the motel. Anyway she was telling me that she and her husband Clarence bought it so they could get away from the city." Steve: "Umm, I don't want to go to the city." Loraine: "No, no, dear. We are not going to the city. They left the city. I asked her what city, and all she could say was 'you know the city'. Steve. I think this place is weird." 
Loraine: "Steve, dear. What are you doing? Is this some kind of a game?" Steve: "Umm, the game is over for you. Loraine, dear. Loraine: "Ahhh, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Steve: "Umm, I win."