Moffet Family Album
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Steve: "Umm, Loraine dear. See this, now this is a game. Umm, it is so peaceful."


Steve: "Umm, you know Tom, Loraine asked something the other day. She asked how you and your wife could build a gas station so fast. I was just wondering how that was too?
Tom: "What are you crazy. It has been there a long time."
Steve: "Umm, I don't think so. I think maybe you should leave now Tom."


Steve: "Umm, Loraine, dear. I want to put a shirt on, but for some reason I just can't. What is going on here?"


Steve: "Umm, Loraine dear. Why is the bathroom so pink? What was it you said about the house? Oh, yeah, the decor is not quite right for us. That is strange Loraine."


Steve: "Umm, Loraine, dear. What was it you said about the food always looking and tasting the same?"


Steve: "Umm, Loraine, dear. I guess it is strange that my paintings just disappear. And where did my paint pallet go. I just had it in my hand? I must be going crazy, just like you did."


Steve: "Umm, yes. Loraine went on a trip. She may not come back. You know, she was, ah, mad at me most of the time."
Razberri: "Well, I'm sure you two can work it out. Just hang in there, she will be back."
Steve: "Umm, yes, perhaps. You know Loraine was interested in how the motel got built so quickly."
Razberri: "What do you mean. I has been there for a long time."
Steve: "Umm, thanks for dropping by."

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