Moffet Family Album
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In the not so distance past, EA said to Maxis "Let there be Sims". And so it was created. A people simulation game, little people, not quite real not quite cartoon.
You give them names, a first and last.
Make them male, female; adult or child.
Pick a skin shade light, medium or dark.
Choose their body, skinny, fit or fat.
They must have a head, grey, blond, brunett or red.
Then you appoint the personality. Will they be very nice and neat or perhaps grumpy and dumpy? The choice is your's in Sim World.

Here you will find a small sample of one such family. What a crazy world they live in. Full of Bytes. Read on see to see what happens to the Moffets.

A tree in autumn; Actual size=240 pixels wide


Loraine : "You know, Steve dear, my whole life has felt like someone else was controling it."
Steve : "Umm, yes it's a book about self control."
Loraine : "You never listen. That's not what I meant. I said, it feels like someone else makes me do everything! Oh never mind."


Loraine: "Steve, dear. Doesn't it seem strange to you about the new nieghbors? You know, dear, the Jones' across the street. I mean, the lot was empty day before yesterday. And when we got up yesterday morning there was this old gas station with people living in it."
Steve: "Umm, strange old gas station?"
Loraine: "Yes, dear. How did they build it so fast? And why would they build an old gas station? Why not a house? When are you going to listen to me and take me seriously?"
Steve: "Umm, what?"
Loraine: "Never mind dear."


Loraine: "Steve, dear. I have this urge to call the Jones' and invite them over for dinner. But for some reason I just can't pick up the phone. Why do you suppose that is?"
Steve: "Umm, I'll go out and buy a new phone later."
Loraine: "Really, dear you have to start listening to me a little more closely. And another thing, while I don't have your full attention. Why is it that you never put a shirt on? Why do I always wear this waitress uniform? I don't have a job?"
Steve: "Umm, you can go get a job if you want to."
Loraine: "Yes, Steve dear. It was nice of you to listen."


Loraine: "Steve dear, wake up. I was just dreaming about rain. Don't you find it odd that the weather never seams to change? It doesn't rain or snow and the wind doesn't blow."
Steve: "Umm, blow out the candles?"
Loraine: "No, Steve, dear. I was talking about the weather. Oh never mind dear, go back to sleep."


Loraine: "Steve, dear. No matter what I cook, it alway looks and taste the same. I would like eggs and bacon for breakfast just one time. What do you think?"
Steve: "Umm, sure, you can get a new cookbook."
Loraine: "Oh, Steve dear, really! And what else did I say? Oh yes, now I remember. I'm learning self control. There is nothing strange about living in an old gas station, that just showed up. I'm getting a new phone and a job. I really like perfect weather. And oh yes don't forget, I can have a new cook book. One of these days you will listen to me."


Loriane: "Steve, dear. What happens to the pictures when your finished painting them? "
Steve: "Umm, what paintings?"
Loriane: "Dear really. Every time you finish one, it just disappears. How does that happen? And where does your paint pallet go?"
Steve: "Umm, yeah, I'll go pick up some paint."
Loriane: "Steve, dear. I'm really starting to get worried about you."
