Jack: *humm, the rumor is true. She is really beautiful. Seams real nice too. I better make the move on her before some one else does. I really need a lady with money. Maybe I'll just check the register and see how much cash this dress shop has brought in today... Dang it. There's that fat Everett. He better not be planning on moving in on my lady.* Everett: * Shoot. It's that Jack guy from the motel. What is he doing here? Man I never get to the pretty girls first. I'll just go on over to the cafe, maybe Sally is there.* 
Everett: Thanks Shane. Hi Sally. How ya doing today? Is your mom around? Sally: I'm good. Mom is over at the NoWhere, helping Randy with recipes. Everett: Wow! Sonja always amazes me. She's so nice. But I'm surprised that anyone would help the competition. Shane: Oh no way man. Mom isn't scared of anything besides she is the best cook in Lynnville. Anyway she is only helping Randy figure out the ratios on increasing his chili recipe. You know, I think I'll just pop over there and see how it's going. Sally you take care of the Cafe. No goofing off. Sally: Sure Shane no problem. I'll bet Everett here will help me with anything if I need it. Everett: You know it! Anything, just anything at all Sally. 
Shane: Hey Bud. Where's my mom? I thought she was here helping Randy. Bud: Yeah she is. They're over at the house. Why don't you go on over there and distract her. That way she has to stop helping with the stupid chili recipe. Shane: What do you mean? Bud: Well I really don't like Randy's chili. You know his BB-Que is way better. I think we should just serve that. Hey did you know our food license came and we passed the inspection by the Health Department? Shane: Yeah, I know, congrats. Mmm, you're right about the BB-Que, and the chili. I'll see what I can do. You say, they're over at the house, huh? Bud: Yeah, just go on in. Good luck. 
Sonja: There, that's it Randy. Just two tablespoons of hot sauce. Randy: You sure it's gonna be enough? Sonja: Yes, I'm sure. You do want people to eat it. Shane: Excuse me Randy, Mom. Can I have a word outside with you mom? Sonja: Sure, Shane, just give me a couple more minutes. Randy: No, that's ok Sonja, you go ahead. I think I got it now. Hey Shane, hows it going? Shane: Oh pretty good Randy, thanks. See ya around. 
Sonja: Ok Shane what's going on? It's not like you to interrupt. Shane: I know mom. It's just that it's getting close to noon and I have to get over to the refuse yard to see Bubba. He is trying to line up a summer job for us. Sonja: It's not going to be summer for a while yet. What else is going on? Shane: Ok, mom. Here's the other thing. Bud doesn't want the chili served at the NoWhere. He would rather have BB-Que. Do you think you could convince Randy to do that? Sonja: Oh, I see. Why doesn't Bud just tell Randy himself? Oh never mind, I know how sensitive Randy is about his cooking. I'll see what I can do. Page 3 |