Shane: It's getting late. I gotta go see Bubba, and Sally is at the Cafe. When I left Everett was there. Don't be too long, ok, mom? Sonja: Oh shoot, you're right. She can't handle the lunch rush. I better hurry, and you too son. I'll need your help when Sally has to leave for that class. You don't by any chance know what the class is. Do you? Shane: No, I don't know anything about any class. But I'll hurry just the same. It shouldn't take very long. See ya in a little while. Sonja: Ok, you be careful now Shane. They have those dogs over there at the junk yard. Shane: Ahh, mom, please don't call it a junk yard. 
Shane: Hi ya Mr. Woodard. Can I talk to Bubba? Dewy: Yeah. The boy is right over yonder, playing with the twins. How's your momma and sister? Shane: Oh, they're just fine. And Mrs. Woodard? Dewy: Oh, alright, I suppose. She is still buggin Sissy bout that cheerleader camp comin up this summer. I wish that woman would leave the gal alone. Shane: Well, I'm sure it'll work out Mr. Woodard. Take care. Dewy: Yeah, you to kid. 
Bubba: Hey Tim, Tom yall scram. Tim: Geeze we were just startin to have fun. Tom: Yeah. Hope ya have fun with your GIRLFRIEND.... hahahaha Bubba: Get outta here!.... Hey Shane. Shane: Hi Bubba. So what's up with the summer job? Bubba: We hafta go meet Louis at the car lot in the AM. He'll let us know about the job. 
Shane: Wow, dude. What's Sissy in trouble for now? Bubba: Well you know how it is when you have two women in the house. Shane: No, what are you trying to say Bubba? Bubba: Come on, don't be such a kid. You know, that time of month...and the camp thing again... hahahaha. Shane: Whoa, man. That's more information than I needed. I gotta go. I'll see ya in the morning. Bubba: Yeah, I hear the cafe callin your name...hahaha see ya. 
Louis: Well I see you boys have arrived early. So you're interested in the job offer, huh? Shane: Yes sir. But I can only work in the evenings or at nights. Because I have to work at the cafe during the day. You know Sissy, she wants the supper crowd. She says the tips are better. Bubba: Yeah me too. At night, evening ya know. I help my daddy with the refuse yard stuff in the day. Louis: Ahh, I see. Well it's a good thing you'll be free at night. That's just when I'll be needing yall. Hey look don't go around talking about this. Lets just keep it between us. Alright boys? Shane: Just what is the job, Louis. Louis: It's..... Page 4 |