Modean: Mr. Woodard I can't dance with you again right now. This dance belongs to Bud. He has the ticket. Sorry. Maybe latter. Dewy: Yeah, ok there Modean. How's about you Vanessa. Vanessa: Yes of course, I'd love to dance. Thank you Dewy.

Anita: Shhh, here comes Bud. We'll talk later. Jasmine: Yeah, you're right this is not a safe place to talk. I'll see you soon. 
Jasmine: Randy I can't. Randy: Why not? Jasmine: Ahh come on Randy, can't you see? I'm pregnant. Randy: Yeah, so? You can still dance. Jasmine: Not to this. It's way too fast. If you really want to dance with me you will have to wait for a slower one. Randy: No problem. I can wait. 
Modean: Come on wake up Vanessa. The dance is over, every one is gone. Vanessa, youwho, wake up. Ok, stay where you are then. I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning. Vanessa: I'm up. 
Vanessa: Wow Modean. I was just going over the funds we received from the dance. We did good. Here see what you think. Modean: You know I didn't see many people actually dancing. Maybe for our next fund raiser, if, when, we need one, we can put on a talent show. Vanessa: See that's why I hired you. Ideas. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for the Center. You're the best. Modean: Well thank you Vanessa, that's very nice of you to say. Can we go shopping now for books? Vanessa: Sure can. I already went on line and ordered the bookcases. They will be here by the end of the week. I think we should shop the second hand stores then that half price book store. Modean: Yeah, that's a good idea. That way we can get more books. And as Louis would say "they are not used...they are pre-owned" hahaha Vanessa: hahahaha

Everett: Hello. Yes Carmen. That's wonderful, no bacteria in my eyes. No, I did not try to start a fight with that Bernie. Yes, yes I will. Bye. *Damn, now I guess every one nows about Bernie. Well it'll be up to him to tell everyone what he does. I'm not gonna say! He just better leave that pretty Jasmine alone!* Credit and Props
