Lynnville Episode I
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Louis: Well what do yall think?
Bubba: Yeah, sure, I'll do it.
Shane: Well I'm not sure. I'll have to think it over for a while.
Louis: Alright, you let me know by the dance, Shane.
Bubba: What dance you talkin about?
Louis: You haven't heard about the big Valentines dance over at the Community Center? Well you boys better hurry if you're gonna get dates.


Shane: No, no date for me. I might want to dance with different girls and I don't want any trouble.
Bubba: Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll go stag too. After all I don't want to deprive any girl of my company. {snicker}
Louis: Well that's probably a good idea for everyone. Because I heard they are gonna mix it up a bit. Something about dance tickets and drawing out of a hat thing.
Bubba: Who's gonna do the drawing the guys or the girls?
Louis: I don't know how it's gonna work. I guess we will find out there. Now you boys better run along, I think I see a customer.
Shane and Louis: See ya latter.


Vanessa: Modean, do you have the tickets yet?
Modean: Yes. Just like you said, a place for the people to put their names on them.
Vanessa: Good. I made a poster with how it's gonna work. We can put it up at the table, that will have the bowls on 'em.
Modean: Where is the poster?
Vanessa: Out in the Mixed Media room. Come on, I'll show you.


Vanessa: See if it makes any sense to you, Modean.
Modean: Ok. 6 tickets for $5.00 put your name on tickets, drop in gender bowl.
6 Tickets for $5.00, draw 6 tickets out of opposite gender bowl. Yeah, that sounds good to me.
Vanessa: The quilt raffle will use the same kind of tickets, same price for them too. I'm so excited, our first fund raiser!
Modean: The add in the paper came out today. It looks good. I'm glad we added the casual attire line. People will be more likely to come if they don't have to dress up.
Vanessa: Well then, lets go finish the final details. Before you know it the Valentine Dance will start.


Vanessa: Well everything is set.
Modean: Yeah. Now all we need are the people to show up.
Vanessa: Don't worry. They will be here. After all we have food and dancing. By the way, did I ever tell you what a great idea this was?
Modean: I hope so. We really need the money. I just hope between the dance tickets, the quilt raffle and the auction, that we will be able to get enough money to do the library.
Vanessa: You worry too much, Modean. You need to relax tonight. Dance a little and try to have fun.

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