Lynnville Episode I
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Vanessa: Don't worry about the weather, Everett. It's not going to rain. Did you get your tickets?
Everett: Yes, I did. Do you mind if I ask you to dance with me latter?
Vanessa: Why, Everett, I'd be honored to dance with you. Say did you ever find out about your eye thing?
Everett: No not yet, thanks for asking.
Vanessa: Oh, well you let me know what you hear. Till our dance then.


Louis: I really like the music yall picked out.
Modean: Yeah. We tried for a good mix of every thing.
Louis: Say you haven't seen Sally around have you?
Modean: No, I haven't. But I did see her momma, Sonja talking to Dr. Marcus.
Louis: Well, I better mingle now. You just never know when some one might want to talk to me about a pre-owned car.


Everett: Excuse me Vanessa, are you ready for our dance?
Vanessa: You bet I am. Oh, shoot. It looks like I may need to ask Sally to leave. She is sneaking around over there.
Everett: Ahh, Vanessa, I wouldn't worry about it, Sonja is around here somewhere. I'm sure she will chase the girl home.
Vanessa: I'm sure you're right. Say who is that guy staring at Sally.
Everett: That's Bernie. He is staying at the motel. Some kind of movie scout. That's what I heard anyway. Vanessa, after we dance can you show me around.
Vanessa: Sure, I'd love to.


Vanessa: And this is the Library. Oh, I didn't know you two were in here.
Jasmine: Yeah, we just happened to run into each other. I think I'll go now!
Everett: Jasmine, he's not bothering you is he? Cause if Bernie messes with you I'll....I'll...I'll just have to put him in his place.
Bernie: Now you just hold on Everett. I am not bothering Jasmine. I was just, just talking to her.
Vanessa: There see, everything is ok. Why don't we all go back out to the dance and just forget about this little meeting?
Bernie: Fine by me!
Everett: I guess so. But Bernie I'm telling you, don't bother any of the ladies in town. I know what you do and we don't like that kind of thing in Lynnville. Remember, I'm watching you.
Bernie: So what, are you trying threaten me? My advise to you Mr. White is watch your step.
Jasmine: Just stop it!
Vanessa: Yeah! That's enough, every one just calm down.
Bernie: Well I was leaving anyway.


Dewy: Ain't the name of this song Walk This way?
Modean: Hahaha, I think you are right. Do you listen to this group.
Dewy: Listen to 'em, hell I useta play with 'em.
Modean: Are you serious?
Dewy: Yulp.
Modean: Wow, I'm impressed.
Dewy: Don't take much. hahaha
Modean: I'm glad Wanda won the quilt raffle.
Dewy: Yeah me too.

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